< CV
Nick Koppenhagen
*1987 in Hamburg, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin
2013-2015 MFA under Thomas Demand, HFBK Hamburg
Fall 2013 School of The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
2010-2014 BA Philosophy, University of Hamburg
2008-2013 BFA under Jeanne Faust, HFBK Hamburg
Grants & Fellowships
2016/17 Claussen-Simon Fellowship
2013/14 Fritz-Prosiegel Fellowship
2013 Alfred Toepfer Travel Grant
Shows, Screenings, Performances
Any Kind of Raven, Åplus, Berlin
Daily Sketches, Kleiner Raum für aktuelles Nichts, Berlin
I create therefore I am, RÄUME, Berlin
Buried Accomplices, School of Commons, in collaboration with Carina Erdmann
Dream Tapestry, Ashley, Berlin, in collaboration with Koma Somnus
Accomplices Bleed, LUCA School of Arts, in collaboration with Carina Erdmann
Times in Crisis, Klosterruine, Berlin
Public Relations, Stadtgalerie Kiel
Public Relations, Palais for Contemporary Art, Glückstadt
Back There, Kunstverein Tiergarten, Galerie Nord, Berlin
Painted Diagrams, Museum of Concrete Art, Ingolstadt
A Day's Work, Collection Schroth at Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest
Arts of the Working Class – Unchain Change, Palermo Project Space – Dialekt Kunstverein, Stuttgart
Proof of Work, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin
Future Poems, Gallery at the Wassermühle, Trittau (solo)
Veto Film Edition #06, Metropolis Cinema, Hamburg
POV, TOR 4 am Güterbahnhof, Bremen
In the Black Box, Forum Box, Helsinki
Intervention Luftbadgasse, Salon für Kunstbuch, Vienna
Bühnenwelten, Scheinwelten, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg
Entwürfe zur psychischen Lage, K70, Lübeck (solo)
"…and yet one more world", Kunsthaus Hamburg
Tunnel Vision, Grindelallee 117, Hamburg
VETOFILM (DE) meets VIDEOIMAGE (GE), B-Movie, Hamburg
Silken Tool, Conradi Gallery, Hamburg
Mein bester Tag war besser gut als mein schlechtester Tag schlecht, thesis exhibition at HFBK, Hamburg
Online Projects
DAK (Decentralized Autonomous Kunstverein)
Kunstgespräche Podcast
Press & Publications
Historische Freilegungen und tägliche Gedächtnisspaziergänge, Anna-Lena Wenzel, Kultur Mitte Magazin ➚
Diaristische Praxen, in conversation with Anna-Lena Wenzel and Esther Ernst, von hundert #34 ➚ ➚
Knoten schaffen in der Krise by Beate Scheder, TAZ ➚
Artists in Quarantine X Times in Crisis by Christopher Weickenmeier,
Arts of the Working Class ➚
Painted Diagrams: Bauhaus, Art, and Infographics, catalogue (DE/ENG), Kerber Verlag
Diagramming the Day by Margaret Iversen, in “A Day’s Work”, Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst, Soest
Ideologies, Arts of the Working Class Issue #05
“In a flat space, position organizes relations.” by Aude Launay, Zérodeux 02#88
Bunte böse Börsenbilder by Hajo Schiff, TAZ
Einige Gedichte über die Zukunft der Welt, catalogue, Gudberg Nerger, Hamburg
Existenzielle Selbstständigkeit, with Armin Chodzinski, Hartikel #04, 1%ofONE Verlag, Hamburg
KAIROS | TOPOS | LOGOS – Situatedness and the Saying of Place by Wesley Simon
Future Poem, Arts of the Working Class Issue #1
Auf ein Bier mit »That Person« by Julia Mummenhoff, Lerchenfeld Nr. 40
Seven Fragments About Material, warehouse.industries
Nick Koppenhagen by Hajo Schiff, Artist Kunstmagazin Nr. 109
Tunnelblicke, catalogue, 1%ofONE Verlag, Hamburg