Antonia Adomako, Helena Tan, Lena Marie Schütte, Nina Hayes, Prateek Vijan, Viking Stendahl

<   Kiss Your Darlings   >

So entwined are you with your darlings. Memories entangled, wrapped up inside the materials of

theirs. Your experiences embodied, held, possessed, deep within the vessel of this object...this

place...this person.


So entwined are you with your darlings. Your imprints lain bare, traced upon the surfaces of theirs.

Preserved within them, your presence as an extension of you. To kiss your darlings,

as the beings of your pasts infuse. Attached yet always set apart, your darlings shall embody you.


Some lay idle, poised are the mundane that exist among us.


Some are the offerings, steel flowers protrude from the abstract realm.


Some spinning, they project the sounds of a lost nostalgia.


Some ride between two places, behind this shelf, beside the royal sign.


Some unfold, a stamp pressed onto the grain of the felled.


Some shimmer, that wall lined with gems from a forgotten past.


And all this while, the flies still fester, mocking the bloodstained crown.


Shedding a light on the emotive entanglement of objects and human interactions, ‘Kiss Your

Darlings’ is a homage to the material. Demonstrating the entwined relationship between

memories of embodied experiences and material objects, ‘Kiss Your Darlings’ showcases the

work of 6 artists that all consider the material agency of objects within their practice.


Text by

Anousha Salehi

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